💡Shift Guide

This guide was made by David/djcool2325 (roblox)/david.s_official (discord). This guide was last updated in July 2024 and hasn't been updated since. This will soon be updated.

Yellow text needs to be replaced with its variable.

(Announce this in the Discord in the channel #shifts 15 minutes before the shift starts)

You must host a session for minimum 30 minutes if not consequences will be taken.

If someone has already pinged @Sessions in the last 3 hours. DO NOT ping @Sessions again and remove it from the message below.


Greetings! A shift is being hosted by (Username) and will begin in 15 minutes. Promotions may be given out to hard working employees and that follow the procedures that will be announced when the shift has commenced! https://www.roblox.com/games/16404837962/McDonalds-Restaurant

(Announce this when you join the game)

!n Greetings! A shift will now be commencing in the staff meeting room by (username). All staff, please proceed to the meeting room for the shift.

Host: PTS is active. Please do not talk, during PTS you may only speak if you say PTS, and I have granted your PTS call.

Host: If you speak without PTS you will be warned and if you reach 3 warnings you will be dismissed from the shift.

You may answer PTS (permission to speak) calls until you begin explaining the shift rules/information. (only if enabled)

(Announce this when the shift starts)

Host: Greetings! Welcome to this Shift my name is (Username). Thank you for attending this shift. I will be your Host for today's session. Please forward your attention to my Co-Host.

Co-Host: Greetings! Welcome to this Shift! My name is (Username). I'll be your Co-Host for today's session. Please pay attention to the host as they will explain the rules about this shift!

Host: Rule 1: No trolling! This is very unprofessional and will result in a warning and if you continue it will result in a dismissal from the shift and a possible demotion as your current rank.

Host: Rule 2: No harassment! This is unacceptable and the punishment could be a possible ban and demotion from the server.

Host: Rule 3: No exploiting! If this action takes place the user will be permanently banned and demoted from our servers.

Host: Rule 4: Show respectful behaviour! This is apart of our guidelines and if you refuse to follow this rule it could lead to a demotion or a dismissal from the shift.

Host: Rule 5: No spamming! This is very unprofessional and will result in a ban from our game.

Host: Rule 6: No begging for promotions! This is counted as a minor spam, and would possibly result in a dismissal from the shift!

Host: Rule 7: Correct use of grammar! As a staff you are required to use grammar at all times refusal to use grammar will result in a warning. If you reach 3 warnings you will be dismissed from the shift!

Host: Thank you for listening, please forward your attention to my Co-Host!

If you have a Co-Host, he/she will send these messages. However if you do not have a Co-Host, the Host will send these messages.

Host/Co: 1. If you see a staff member refusing/ not using grammar, please let me or my co host know so we can issue them a warning for the lack of grammar that they are using.

Host/Co: 2. If you see a troller or a spammer please let me or a high rank know so we can give them consequences due to their actions.

Host/Co: 3. To get promoted during a shift you must show us that you have good grammar, correct capitalisation and are being polite to staff and Customers/Guests.

Host/Co: 4. If you see a exploiter please let us know or take a screenshot, and create a ticket in our communications server.

Host/Co: That's all of the information that you have to know currently. I'll now be giving out your roles. Please don't be disappointed if you didn't get the role you were thinking of.

These are the roles that you should give out:

  1. Cashier (maximum 4)

  2. Cook (as many as you like)

  3. Cleaner (maximum 2)

  4. Traffic Management (maximum 4)

  5. McDrive Window 1 (maximum 1)

  6. McDrive Window 2 (maximum 1)

  7. Supervisor (Only for MR+ or Kitchen Leader+) (as many as you like)

(After you have given out the roles)

Host/Co: You may go to your role station that I have assigned you to. If you have any questions please ask me or a high rank.

(When it has reached 5 minutes before the shifts ends you must say the following announcement below.)

Host: !n The shift has now concluded! Can all staff please make your way to the staff room so I can give out some information. Thank you!

(When all staff have arrived say the following below)

Host: Welcome back to the staff room. How was your shift?

Host: I have called you back here to congratulate some people who are going to receive a promotion during the shift that they have just participated in.

Host: If I have said your username please step up to the front!

(Repeat this message for every person that has been promoted)

Host: Please congratulate (Username) to their promotion to (Rank)!

(When you have given out all of the promotions say the following)

Host: Please make sure you are all in the communications server. The invite code: mcroblox

Host: Please follow me to take a picture so I can post it into our communication server.

(Take the staff members to any spot for a picture)

(You can dismiss them when you have taken the picture)

Last updated